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Tagz Foods: Pioneering Sustainable Snacking with BLive’s Electric Three-Wheelers

Client Overview

Tagz Foods is a GenZ snack brand since 2019, renowned for innovative, sustainable, and nutritious snacks.


  • Successful in sustainable snack production but faced a hurdle extending commitment to eco-friendly deliveries.
  • Hesitation to invest in EVs due to perceived high upfront cost.

BLive's Solutions

  • Flexible Leasing: Cost-effective leasing without substantial upfront investment.
  • Guidance and Support: Seamless integration of EVs into delivery operations.


  • Reduced Carbon Footprint: Integration of Electric three-wheelers significantly carbon footprint.
  • Cost-Effective Delivery: Electric three-wheelers reducing overall delivery costs.
  • Enhanced Brand Reputation: Eco-friendly delivery enhanced Tagz Foods’ brand reputation


  • The collaboration demonstrates successful sustainability integration into business operations.
  • BLive’s electric three-wheelers reduced Tagz Foods’ delivery cost and enhanced their reputation as a leader in sustainable mobility practices.


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